Healing & Empowerment Through Expressive Arts Therapy
Breathwork for Beginners
Breathwork originated thousands of years ago in India in the form of Pranayama. It has evolved over the centuries and in recent times, gained acceptance even in Western Medicine and International Psychology as a simple yet extremely powerful tool to manage stress, enhance physical health and achieve a heightened inner calm and resilience. Regular breathwork leads to an improvement in energy levels, mental peace, concentration, physiological processes of the body, sleep, and chronic pain.
The Breathwork for Beginners Session is a gentle, guided introduction to some simple breathing exercises with an explanation of some differences between them, followed by emotional reflection and discussion. Often beginners find it difficult to do breathwork regularly, finding a time that they can devote to self care. Sometimes, it is too distracting with myriad thoughts running through one's mind, and breathwork becomes an overwhelming task due to lack of a calm focus. Sometimes, some people don't feel motivated enough if they do it alone. So in the initial phase, it is often preferable to do it as a group or individual therapy, guided by a facilitator.
This is a part of the Reclaimind Mental Well-Being Workshops. The participants also receive a short printable guidance document after the session that provides tips for them to continue practicing on their own.
​Language: English
Venue/Medium: Online, over zoom | Offline at pre-decided venue
Individual sessions for breathwork also available