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Healing & Empowerment Through Expressive Arts Therapy
ReclaiMind Blog

Good Relationships vs Toxic Relationships
How crucial are good relationships for your well-being?

Claudia Cruz
Self-Expression and Mindfulness with Digital Art: New Tools that can Help
Can digital art help with self-expression, mindfulness and artwork for mental health self-care? Here are some tips and options.

Simple Ways To Use Drawing Arts For Mental Well-Being
Here is how you can use drawing for stress-relief and your mental well-being without any formal training.

What to expect in an Ethical Expressive Arts Therapist?
Is your therapist ethical? What are the ethical guidelines for expressive arts therapists, and what are some red flags to look out for?

Spiritual Bypassing: Too Enlightened for Self-Compassion
One's interest in spirituality can be an escape from more difficult issues. Know about spiritual awakening vs spiritual bypassing.

Embracing Imperfection: A Journey to Authenticity with 'Becoming Flawesome'
"Becoming Flawesome" encourages us to stop striving for an unattainable ideal of perfection and start embracing our unique quirks and flaws.

Healing the Wounds of Childhood: Overcoming the Trauma of an Alcoholic Parent
Growing up with an alcoholic parent can be a heart-wrenching experience. Read about the struggle & healing from the emotional scars.

Digital Reflections: When the Abyss of the Internet Gazes Back
Reflecting on how the internet's algorithmic abyss mirrors us, impacting our mental health and shaping our digital reality.

Art can heal PTSD's invisible wounds | Melissa Walker
In this moving talk, Melissa shares how the expressive art activity of mask-making empowers affected servicemen and women to overcome PTSD.

Understanding the Mother Wound: Causes, Effects, and Healing Strategies
Mother wound is a term used to describe the emotional pain and trauma caused by an unhealthy mother-child relationship. Learn more about it.

The Power of Arts Therapy | Laurence Vandenborre
Laurence Vandenborre shares how unspeakable trauma finds healing in expression through Arts Therapy.

The Psychological Benefits of Music Therapy
Know how the universal language of music can guide you on a healing journey, transforming your mental well-being one note at a time.

Imagery in Mediation and Psychotherapy: The Power of Visualization
Visual imagery, in meditation and psychotherapy, is a powerful tool to promote healing. Know the uses and the pitfalls.

Prevent Love From Getting Lost In Translation
Do you feel your love is not appreciated by your partner? Or they don't love you the way you want them to? "Love Languages" can help.

Why Seeking Help for Mental Health is Easier Said Than Done
A look at why seeking mental health care can be difficult.

Why Positivity Can Be As Bad As Brooding Or Bottling Up Emotions
Psychologist Susan David advocates for emotional truth instead of the tyranny of positivity.
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